Dating the Asphalt
Tori Linville
the hard part, it’s the spilling
out of wasted adventures
You once said Ford
means that I’ll be found
on road dead
Solitude can be found
between four lines
even more when stranded
two white, two yellow
they don’t apologize
for their stains
potholes are badges –
honor that can be smothered
but not taken away
the boy at that
Colorado school had
a love for Chevy trucks
before his classmate’s
bullet put him & his love
to sleep for eternity
you can plan plan plan
never goes the way you think
casualties of perfectionists
hang in the balance
slaughtered by inadequacies
I used to pick
you apart, stringing
your faults along
telephone wires
you never cared
so I pulled the pin
we exploded
you still said
it was okay
my body was
your clothespin
so ready to spring
shut, clasping
i was your laundry
hung high & dry