205.348.7264 mfj@sa.ua.edu

The Curious Dealing with Self-inflicted Consequences

Joycelyn Fitts


After gathering my things

and checking all my doors

with more than

an hour and a half to spare

I left.


Rolling down the road

on this lovely fall morning

the sunshine warms me.

Inhaling, the sun’s heat enters my lungs

Loosening my tense muscles.

My nerve-buzzing fades

into quiet.


I settle into the silence,

the car engine’s humming 

lures me to daydream. Until

I pass it.

An abandoned power line post.


After three point turning

I stop,

facing an abandon post 

behind a rolling hill

of a grass plain

rimmed with trees

near a creek.


My heart tumbles

in my temples.

My lungs hold

tight to the last

breath I inhale


Film grains hiss in my ears.


“No thank you.”




Back at home now

After closing the front door

I buckle, static grains

humming on my nerves

blood vessels throb

my mind wonders

over the rolling hill’s settling.



I fall to sleep

under my bed.

I don’t care.

If It comes,

It will have to find me.


It’s morning.

And again

the film grains seize my mind

shading my body

hollowing my chest.

My lungs refuse to perform their function

and my heart drums harder

than it ever has,

my body refuses to move.


The footage set to replay

in my head.

My nerves ablaze

in the daydream hours.


Famine and salivating

for resolution,

I stagger to the den

The third tape labeled NO

plays the screen.


Back at the rolling hill

the camera faces the creek

the cameraman doodles

wildly on a large

sheet of paper.

If I squint it resembles

a map.


The cameraman

swings his head 


checking his surroundings.

as the frames reel,

he fidgets, 


until he collapses

belly down, trembling

unable to move.


With my eyes wide

I fast forward frames


the minutes he stays like that.

until something censors

the right of the frames.


I pause, rewind, play.


The creek ripples

as a tall-dark something

steps into the footage.

Its vine like limbs 

curling, waving

into and out of the footage.


I pause. 

My breath

flees me again. 

My heart rattles against

my ribcage.

I want to press the stop button

but I’m unable to move.



Interview with the Author

What was the inspiration for this piece?

My inspiration for these poems were psychological indie horror games. Indie game studios had a lot of interesting ideas about horror stories that were unique from the mainstream horror ideas.  I too wanted to remix how horror stories can be told and I became particularly interested in how logic could be used to backfire someone dealing with a fearful situation.

What was your creative process?

I made guidelines that constituted how I wrote the story. The main one being that protagonist must make logical decisions, with the exception of her giving into temptation of curiosity. From this experience I learned that with writing a series of work, it is easier for me to have guidelines for how things should progress, rather than try to plan everything out before writing it. Historically, outlining everything that happens in the story, opens up the temptation for me to overthink things in my work, which often paralyzes my progress.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I have some advice about the creative process. When it comes to writing or making art, lean into the ideas that fascinate you, even those ideas that inspire you to make fanfiction or fan art of them. Research the core reasons for why you like them and explore those reasons further. Don’t be afraid to let them leak into what you like to create. For what you collect is a part of what you make after all.