205.348.7264 mfj@sa.ua.edu

The Continuation of the Curious in Predicament

Joycelyn Fitts

Laying back down
I fail to sleep.
My thoughts ticking
through twilight’s hours.
Instead I stir,
my mind too perturbed,
disturbed at the fact
that in that video…

I recognize its setting.

An abandoned powerline post
behind a low rolling hill
of a grass plain rimmed by trees
near a creek
with a broken sign.

This is all I dream about.
I can’t place my finger on where
This exact location is.

“Please don’t let it be nearby.”

Shaking off these thoughts
I rose up to prepare
for my day at work.

I clean my home
I dress myself.
and with time to spare
And a mind of a-buzz with black
and plenty of daylight hours

I’m back in my den.
I re-watch the beginning of the
first of four NO tapes
to affirm the location
I dream about.
It’s the same.

the second of four
tapes played.
My mind photo-scan
each film-grained frame

Back in that same location,
at the same rolling hill
with the same abandoned
powerline post behind it
by the same creek with
the same broken sign
of the same picnic
from the first video.

I see two men walking
around the camera
arguing. About what,
I don’t know for
the sound is muffled

They poke at each other
until, from the upper left
a darkness, a distortion
of branches ink Its
limbs over picture frames
oozing outward
like a gaping claw
spider-webbing the footage.

Blanking I notice a third
shadow behind the camera
before it falls over
recording the men’s feet
striding away before the
frames fuzzes and


I pounce to my feet
Staring at the buzzing screen.

Dark branches ink
limbs, webbing my ceiling
my furniture and
my home decor in
my right peripheral.

I snap my
vision toward the
webbing to find
the film grained creature,
but It is not there.

My front door is open.

“Did I leave it open after I watered the flowers?”


Interview with the Author

What was the inspiration for this piece?

My inspiration for these poems were psychological indie horror games. Indie game studios had a lot of interesting ideas about horror stories that were unique from the mainstream horror ideas.  I too wanted to remix how horror stories can be told and I became particularly interested in how logic could be used to backfire someone dealing with a fearful situation.

What was your creative process?

I made guidelines that constituted how I wrote the story. The main one being that protagonist must make logical decisions, with the exception of her giving into temptation of curiosity. From this experience I learned that with writing a series of work, it is easier for me to have guidelines for how things should progress, rather than try to plan everything out before writing it. Historically, outlining everything that happens in the story, opens up the temptation for me to overthink things in my work, which often paralyzes my progress.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I have some advice about the creative process. When it comes to writing or making art, lean into the ideas that fascinate you, even those ideas that inspire you to make fanfiction or fan art of them. Research the core reasons for why you like them and explore those reasons further. Don’t be afraid to let them leak into what you like to create. For what you collect is a part of what you make after all.