Anytown, AL
Audrey Woodruff
Breathe No Evil | Helen Hodgetts | Photography
Anytown, AL
A train screams through main street.
An outburst in a muggy silence
like shouting so hard I puke
at an empty church altar.
The people in cars ignore it.
Closing windows so the
screeching rails just sound
like the drone of cicadas.
Dust whips by the squat
buildings as main street gets
severed in half.
The wind hasn’t blown
in weeks and the stagnant grit
finally gets a chance to fly away.
The car tires melt on the pavement.
Their owners are bound to Earth.
Industrial groaning tears through
the hush like the trumpet’s call.
The sun sits heavily on my neck
and shoulders and hardens
my joints. The endless
train hollers, but everyone
turns their heads. It’s better
if everyone ignores it.