205.348.7264 mfj@sa.ua.edu


Caleb Buell

i was promised the stars.

the suit is a little tight,
i fear,
but they say it’s
for my protection.
something about
flames and photos and…

oh, i’d quite rather be
in the park with my friends
at the moment, but

i was promised the stars.

the room is a little cramped,
i fear,
but they say they had
to conserve space.
something about
fuel and energy and…

oh, i’d quite rather be
in a sprawling meadow
at the moment, but







i was promised the stars.

the ship is a little high
i fear,
but they say it will
bring honor.
something about
dominance and power and…

oh, i’d quite rather be
going for a walk
at the moment, but

i was promised the stars.

the air is a little warm,
i fear,
but they said my return
wasn’t necessary.
something about
costs and budgets and…

oh, i’d quite rather be
hugging my mother
at the moment, but

i was promised the stars.




why are the stars so dark?