205.348.7264 mfj@sa.ua.edu


Arin Mara

A drawing depicts a woman's disembodied head in front of a white full moon against a black sky. The woman's head is tilted approximately forty-five degrees clockwise and casts a shadow on the left side of the moon. Her face is predominantly dark gray. She is wearing a septum ring and has long, blue and white hair and purple lips. There is an arc of white dots on her forehead. Smaller, blue dots fleck her left cheek, which is colored pink and purple. The right side of her face is obscured by her hair. There is a blue and white galaxy-like pattern in the top-left and bottom-right corners of the image, and a few white stars in the other corners of the image.

Dame de la Lune | Hunter Lapp | Drawing

I’m glad to think he did not think

and had no time to fear.
His body didn’t—and didn’t—betray.

He was then was not here.


I was then was not here one day,

no epitaph or tears.
I thrashed in light, embraced the dark,

as moments passed—not years.


On asphalt through my bleeding mouth,

I said, “don’t let me die.”
They tended to what should have ached

as the void met my eye.


The Buddha’s end; The Christ’s return

The Dark dissolves the dream!
But holy men find common ground:

row gently down the stream.


Should he wake feeling out of place,

and should a light begin,
I hope to God the dark was warm

and nothing aches again.