205.348.7264 mfj@sa.ua.edu


Dawson Wilcox

Drawing/Illustration. Sketches of Faces on colored circles. Multiple pen-sketched circles with plain faces, all of various colors. Not all circles have faces and they are all of different sizes.

A Case of the Blues with a Little Sparkle | Jennifer Jordan | Painting

How quickly our shoes ware. How quickly we lose our youth.

To us seems a lifetime, to the Earth, a blink of an eye.

To fret over lost love is to fret for but an instant.

To cry but a single tear.

To fight is to have failed.

To fail is to have fought.

How quickly sand turns to sediment, sediment to stone.

To us seems a millennium, to the Universe, a passing glance.

To feel joy is to feel it for but a second.

To shine but momentarily.

To live is to have vanished.

To vanish is to have lived.

Oh, how quickly we turn to sand